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Greaves: Video

Smart Obstacle Detector for the Blind


Greaves is a smart obstacle detector helps blind people in moving and allowing them to perform their work easily and comfortably.

With normal canes / sticks, it is not very much efficient because the blind person does not know what type of things or objects come in front of him, what is the size of that object and how far is he from the object?

So it is difficult for blind person to move here and there.

But with Greaves, we detect the object by laser proximity sensors.

For this we have used Arduino software and then converted the obstacle output into vibrations in a vibration motor.

When objects come in range of proximity sensor then the ankle sleeve vibrates.

The vibration increases if the object comes toward the person and vibration decreases when object goes far from the person.

Greaves: Text


How We Did It

Greaves: Gallery
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